One Clue Crossword

版本:4.5.4 大小:104.5M 关注:2353 更新:2022-01-06 文字 单人 无需网络 写实风


ONE CLUE CROSSWORD is a new kind of crossword puzzle. Instead of a list of written clues, each puzzle includes a single picture.Some of the answers will be a simple case of saying what you see - but sometimes you might have to think a little more laterally!HOW TO PLAYExamine the picture closely to find the answers. Every word in the puzzle can be deduced from the picture.For example:If the picture is of the STATUE OF LIBERTY......the answers might include:* TORCH * STATUE * AMERICA * LANDMARK * NEW YORK *As you unlock each chapter you'll find new puzzles and pictures - there are people, places, animals, food, vehicles, household objects and lots more.FEATURES● A whole new way to play crosswords● 380+ levels over 24 chapters (with more to come)● End-of-chapter Guardian Levels will test your skills● Beautiful, detailed photo clues● Use instant Hints to remove unused letters or reveal the next letter on the boardSUPPORTPlease select the HELP option from the Options menu (the gear icon in the bottom left of the game screen) if you require assistance.If you still have questions about the game or require assistance, please email: community@appynation.comOne Clue Crossword is free to play, but contains optional paid items to unlock puzzles more quickly. 一个线索字谜是一种新的纵横字谜。代替书面线索的清单,每个难题包括单个图像。有些答案可能会说什么你看到一个简单的例子 - 但有时你可能需要考虑多一点横向!怎么玩检查图片密切合作,以找到答案。在拼图的每一个字可以从图片中可以推断出来。例如:如果图像是自由女神像的............答案可能包括:* * TORCH尊雕像AMERICA * LANDMARK *纽约*当你解开每章,你会发现新的困惑和图片 - 有人物,地点,动物,食品,车辆,家用物品和其它更多地方。特征●玩填字游戏一种全新的方式●380+超过24章节的水平(与更多的惊喜)●尾章卫水平将考验你的技巧●美丽,细腻的照片线索●使用即时提示删除未使用的字母或透露下一个字母在黑板上支持请选择从选项菜单中的帮助选项(在离开游戏画面底部的齿轮图标),如果你需要帮助。如果您还有有关游戏的问题或者需要帮助,请发送电子邮件至:community@appynation.com一条线索是填字游戏免费玩,但包含可选的付费项目能够更快地解开谜题。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:4.5.4 更新时间:2021-09-03 大小:104.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:AppyNation Ltd.
文字 单人 无需网络 写实风 英文 7.0及更高


One Clue Crossword累计536人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载One Clue Crossword,目前已经有2353用户在酷酷跑关注了One Clue Crossword。

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