Devilish Charms: Romance You Choose

版本:2.1.8 大小:69.9M 关注:5445 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


Devilish Charms A dark cult, a mysterious charm, and a struggle for power between humans and devils... St. Bernadette’s School for Orphans has been your home as long as you can remember. You have no memories before being brought to the orphanage at 8 years old, but you have made a life for yourself and are ready to go out into the real world. Leaving the orphanage and your only friends behind, you go to start a new life in the city. However, your excitement is short-lived when you are suddenly kidnapped on your way home by a group of hooded men. You awaken in a chamber with your kidnappers who use you to summon… a handsome man? Escaping from the chamber, the two of you end up in a luxurious mansion which the man calls his own. Two other men wait there for you and they all reveal themselves to be devils?! They deem the outside world unsafe for you and demand that you live in the mansion until further notice. What does all of this mean? Will you ever get to go home? Who exactly are these devils and what do they want with you? Unable to return home with no end to your containment in sight, will you learn how to live with the three devils? 【Levi】 Levi is the heir to the throne of the underworld and has a personality fit for the role. An alpha male to the core, he knows exactly what he wants and doesn’t let anyone get in his way. His abrasive personality scares away most, but could you be the one that finds out what lies underneath his fiery mask? 【Adler】 Enigmatic and intelligent, Alder is the trustworthy confidant of the king of the underworld. He seems to act with your best interests in mind, but he always keeps you at arm’s length. There’s an air of familiarity in the way he talks to you, but there’s no way you’ve ever met him.... right? 【Vincent】 Vincent is Levi's younger brother and the kindest of the three devils. Harboring a certain distaste for his brother, he takes your side when it comes to most issues. Patient, caring, and always there for you in times of need, Vincent seems a little too perfect. You want to trust him, but can you be sure that all his smiles are genuine? 恶魔般的魅力 黑暗崇拜,神秘魅力,以及人与魔鬼之间的权力斗争...... 只要你记得,圣伯纳黛特的孤儿学校就是你的家。在8岁时被带到孤儿院之前你没有记忆,但你已经为自己创造了生活,并准备好进入现实世界。离开孤儿院和你唯一的朋友,你就开始在这个城市开始新的生活。然而,当你在一群蒙面男子回家的路上突然被绑架时,你的兴奋是短暂的。 你和绑架者一起在一个房间内醒来,他们用你来召唤......一个英俊的男人?逃离房间,你们两个最终进入了一个豪华的豪宅,男人称之为自己的豪宅。另外两个男人在那里等你,他们都表现出自己是鬼子?!他们认为外面的世界对你不安全,并要求你住在豪宅里直到另行通知。这一切意味着什么?你会回家吗?究竟谁是这些恶魔,他们想要什么? 无法回到家中,看不到你的收容,你会学会如何与三个魔鬼一起生活吗? 【李维】 列维是黑社会王位的继承人,具有适合这个角色的个性。作为核心的阿尔法男性,他确切地知道他想要什么,并且不会让任何人妨碍他。他极具磨损的个性最让人害怕,但是你能不能找到他火热的面具下面的东西? 【阿德勒】 神秘而聪明,Alder是黑社会之王的值得信赖的知己。他似乎在考虑你的最佳利益,但他始终保持与你保持一定的距离。他跟你说话的方式有一种熟悉的感觉,但是你从来没有见过他......对吗? 【文森特】 文森特是列维的弟弟,也是三个魔鬼中最善良的。对于他的兄弟怀有某种厌恶,在涉及到大多数问题时,他都会站在你的一边。病人,关怀,并在需要的时候随时为你服务,文森特似乎有点过于完美。你想要相信他,但你能确定他所有的微笑都是真的吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1.8 更新时间:2022-01-04 大小:69.9M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.0及更高


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