Business Tycoon - Company Management Game

版本:5.3 大小:24.4M 关注:141 更新:2021-03-13


Business Tycoon company management game is a realistic company tycoon game in which you raise and manage your own company! Start as a small entrepreneur and build your way to be the strongest wealthiest business empire in the world.  Buy businesses, transportation, natural resources, manage concessions, make investments, research new technology, trade in the stock market and many more in this realistic tycoon game. Visit world sites and perform various actions like mining for natural resources, arranging tourist guides, experimenting with new technologies all in the purpose of making more money and outperforming the rival tycoons. Compete against other players and choose either to join forces in an alliance or to become rivals and enemies to each other. As financial companies become stronger richer and more powerfully, at later stages of the game you get to train army units to defend your assets and money. Take your business skills to the max in this business simulation game in which you manage your own company in the race to become the richest and strongest company tycoon in the world More game features: - G20: the group of 20 top industrials countries is now placed in the world map. - You can invest in startup companies based in different countries and later on place bids in countries contracts - Business environment more competitive then ever, max allowed buy of business and transportation units is now set. - mine for resources like gold gems invest in startup companies, buy a soccer team and many more at the world sites 一直想成为商业大亨资本家并经营自己的公司但却没有机会?这是你的地方!下一个商业大亨 - 遭受攻击的经济是一个超现实的大亨游戏,您可以通过该游戏管理自己的公司,成为世界上最强大的商业公司! 首先在全球地图上选择一个位置然后开始开发您的公司 - 特许权,运输,资源,研发等等! **下一个商业大亨3中的新功能** 建立和训练军队。世界现在由富裕的公司控制,这些公司利用他们的资金和权力来迫使他们控制世界经济。 为了提升到顶峰,你需要依靠强大的经济来培养和维持强大的军队。 使用你的军队你也可以攻击你的对手摧毁或窃取他们的资产和资源。 更多游戏功能: - 20国集团 - 20个顶级工业国家集团现已进入世界地图。 - 您可以投资于不同国家的创业公司,然后在国家合同中进行投标 - 商业环境比以往更具竞争力,现在最大限度地允许购买商业和运输单位。 - 世界上最大的银行现在被放置在世界地图上,允许以不同的利率贷款。 - 主屏幕从公司屏幕切换到所有国家/地区和公司所在的世界地图。 你也可以拥有自己的足球队,军队实验公司,矿业公司,旅游和更多投资,这些投资可以带领你成功,最终成为最强大的资本家和下一个商业大亨 在Next Business Tycoon,您不仅需要成为一名优秀的业务经理,还必须了解竞争对手。在Next Business Tycoon中,您与其他资本家竞争,形成联盟攻击其他公司等等! 当你在成为商业大亨的路上走上楼梯时,你会在水平上提升,新的有趣特征会像股票市场和联盟一样显露出来。一定要把钱花在研发上,否则你的公司就会落后! 在这个现代的现实资本主义思想和思想游戏中,将您的商业和大亨技能发挥到极致,并与世界上最强大的大亨竞争!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:5.3 更新时间:2020-09-14 大小:24.4M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Michael Asaraf
英文 4.1及更高


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