My Princess Girlfriend: Moe Anime Dating Sim

版本:2.0.7 大小:59.3M 关注:195 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


Find your perfect anime girlfriend in this unique bishoujo game from Genius Studio Japan! Step into the protagonist's shoes as you make important decisions that will dictate your path to romance and the crown. Will you end up with the girl of your dreams?


You lead a pretty mundane, average high school life. That is, until three cute girls show up on your doorstep and explain that you're actually the long-lost prince of the kingdom of Fescos! A villainous traitor has fanned the flames of rebellion, the fate of the kingdom is at peril, and the people desperately need you to return and reclaim power.

But your journey to the crown is only the beginning! Before you can even wrap your head around your birthright, the girls drop another bombshell: In order to rule, you must pick a bride — and all three of them are vying to become your princess!

Be the hero, experience the true meaning of love and loss, and ascend to the throne in this heartwarming tale filled with drama, comedy, and romance. Who will you choose as your princess?


You instantly connect with Myria and soon found out she was your childhood best friend long ago. You may not remember much from your days in the kingdom, but Myria's bright personality is adorable and she promises to help you reclaim the throne no matter what. Myria seems to know a lot about royal life… Will you be able to recover the memories you shared together?

Confident and impish, Linda quickly becomes popular around town for her gorgeous looks, charm, and spunk. She's headstrong and knows exactly what she wants — you! Linda's flirtatious teasing always keeps you on your toes, but you're still taken aback when she admits to pursuing bride candidacy for money. Something doesn't add up, and you have a growing suspicion there's a different motive she's hiding from the group... Just what is her agenda, and is she capable of loving you truly?

There's no denying that Victoria's aggressive and arrogant tsundere attitude pushes others away. However, you sometimes catch a rare glimpse of a different side when she opens up to you, and she has an earnest vision for the country's future… Will you be able to break through Victoria's tough outer shell and help overcome the doubts that are holding her back?
在Genius Studio Japan的这款独特的美少女游戏中找到您理想的动漫女友!做出重要决定时,请穿上主角的鞋子,这将决定您通往浪漫和王冠的道路。你最终会成为你梦girl以求的女孩吗?








包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.0.7 更新时间:2022-01-04 大小:59.3M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Studio Japan Inc.
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.0及更高


My Princess Girlfriend: Moe Anime Dating Sim累计163人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载My Princess Girlfriend: Moe Anime Dating Sim,目前已经有195用户在酷酷跑关注了My Princess Girlfriend: Moe Anime Dating Sim。

My Princess Girlfriend: Moe Anime Dating Sim相关游戏

模拟 147M
动作 模拟 124.5M
休闲 模拟 85.9M

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