Sorting Hat

版本:4.5 大小:6.5M 关注:30 更新:2022-01-06


Have you ever dreamed of going to "Hogwarts School of Wizards and Wizardry"? Have you waited for years for the letter from Hogwarts and didn't get it? Do you still believe there's a wizard in you? Do you fancy going to Hogwarts school and be in one of the four Magical houses? Do you want to cast a spell with your wand from "Ollivanders wand shop"? Have you ever felt what would your wand look like? Have you ever felt the urge to cast the "Patronus" charm and repel "Dementors"? Well, I have good news folks. This app will fulfill all your wishes. Just answer the questions truthfully as you feel like and the magical app will sort you into one of the Hogwarts houses, give you the wand and you can discover your own Patronus. Be sure to be loud and clear while casting a spell.:)Re-live the magical moment of the Harry Potter world. Use this app to be sorted into one of the Hogwarts House. Just answer the questions and let the magical sorting hat do the rest.Find your wand. Just answer the questions and specific detail of the wand will be provided to you.Discover your own Patronus. Cast a Patronus charm to repel the dementors. Just think of the happiest and powerful memory while doing so.Now, five new exciting games added. Test your knowledge on the Harry Potter world. Guess the Harry Potter movie name and character's name based on the emoticons. Sort out the characters to the house and play the role of the Sorting hat. Test your knowledge of spells. And finally, go on the adventure to find answers to the puzzling questions and the fun fact hint lies in the previous questions. :) Play the games and enjoy it. :)Spread the news! Let the magic begin!您是否曾梦想去“霍格沃茨巫师与巫术学校”?您已经等了好几年霍格沃茨的来信了吗?您是否仍然相信您中有向导?您是否想去霍格沃茨学校读书,并进入四个魔法屋之一?您是否要使用“奥利凡德魔杖商店”中的魔杖施放法术?您是否曾经感觉过魔杖会是什么样?您是否曾经有过投下“ Patronus”魅力并排斥“ Dementors”的渴望?好吧,我有好消息。这个程序将满足您的所有愿望。只需按自己的感觉如实回答问题,神奇的应用程序会将您分类到霍格沃茨的一所房子里,给您魔杖,您就可以发现自己的守护神。施法时一定要大声而清晰。:)重新体验哈利·波特世界的神奇时刻。使用此应用程序可以将其分类到霍格沃茨故居之一。只需回答问题,然后让魔术分类帽完成其余的工作即可。找到你的魔杖。只需回答问题,魔杖的具体细节就会提供给您。发现自己的守护神。铸出守护神的魅力以击退摄魂怪。这样做时,只需想想最快乐,最强大的记忆。现在,添加了五个新的令人兴奋的游戏。测试您对“哈利波特”世界的了解。根据表情符号猜测哈利波特的电影名称和角色名称。将角色分类到房屋中,并扮演“分拣帽”的角色。测试您的咒语知识。最后,继续冒险,寻找令人困惑的问题的答案,有趣的事实提示在于先前的问题。 :)玩游戏并享受它。 :)传播新闻!让魔术开始吧!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:4.5 更新时间:2021-10-12 大小:6.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Ashok Shrestha
英文 4.1及更高


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